Monday, April 18, 2011

Introductions all around

I remember very clearly listening to my mom read The Little Red Hen. Who will help me plant the wheat? Who will help me bake the bread? And the farmyard animals who didn't help didn't get any bread, which the little red hen worked so hard to make. I, like the little red hen, tend to think I can do things all by myself. Unlike my feathered namesake, I sometimes get in over my head because of it. But it's all an adventure.

This blog is mostly about the adventure of finally starting a garden from scratch. A little less than a year ago we moved into this house and there was no garden, and really no time to start one with all the unpacking and preparing for our first child's arrival, scheduled for January 2011. But in life as in gardening, sometimes the things we plant don't produce the fruit we expect. In September 2010 an infection took our sweet Liam, and he was stillborn. This spring instead of growing a little blue-eyed boy, I'm growing a garden of vegetables. I'm hoping God will teach me through my garden, and I will find a physical outlet for the emotions that are sometimes so overwhelming.

Sometimes this blog will be funny (I hope!) and sometimes it will be serious. Sometimes it'll be about my garden, and sometimes it'll be about the grief and the pain and the faith I must cling to, that God knows the end of my story and He knows the deep desires of my heart.

1 comment:

  1. I will be following your gardening blog! I keep a blog too "our blessed nest" its basicaly my adventures in domesticity... the good the bad and the ugly lol . We started our first "very small" Garden last year tomatoes... spinach...peppers ... i must say i was very bad at weeding and was worried some of the spinach was not actually spinach but weeds.. none the less the little fam was out cleaning out the garden to prep it for this year... I am hoping for more comitment from myself for the garden this year... nothing like a little dirt under your fingernails for some real therapy! i look forward to reading about your journey!
